Sunday, March 14, 2010

the blathering continues

If a blog reemerges in the middle of the night and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? I certainly don't hear anything. I don't know who I'm talking to. I've made a search of...well, both rooms. It's just me.

It's strange, this daylight savings thing. Most of the year, I feel as if I'm racing the clock. Actually, that isn't entirely accurate; I feel as if I'm being pursued by time. I can elude it for a while, ducking into a pint of something strong or one of those jaunty tunes I used to write. But the seconds, the minutes, the hours...they're always there, lurking, pushing their inevitability on me. Temporality is just so fucking insistent. Tonight, I actually lose an hour. It's gone. This day has only 23 of them. But I'm just excited to get more daylight tomorrow. Today is the shortest day of the year, the one day when I actually have fewer hours at my disposal, and I am relatively unhindered by my chronophobic tendencies. Works for me. Now if only the future didn't become the past so quickly...