Monday, September 26, 2005

caught in the water cycle

My high school English teacher used to say that rain is a sign of purification. But rain doesn't soothe, cleanse, or purify. It just weighs things down, making them soggy and waterlogged. Rainy days are just...heavy. I feel like a wet sponge, and rarely move from the couch.

Thunderstorms, on the other hand, are wonderful little blasts of natural fury. As I lie here in bed, listening to the rain violently pelting my roof, I'm oddly comforted. With each shotgun blast of thunder, I can picture the visual spectacle outside, the motion and the energy. The scene is tangible, something I can see, hear, and feel. Best of all, a torrential downpour of this magnitude doesn't typically soak in. Most of this rainwater will be runoff. It doesn't weigh anything down.

I feel lighter already.


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