Monday, July 18, 2005

Can't Fight this Feeling

While driving tonight, I sang along to REO Speedwagon. Loudly. Without irony. Good thing it was dark outside.

Faceless, cookie-cutter arena rock bands like REO used to pump out formulaic power ballads with such regularity that it was difficult for a listener to differentiate between them. These tunes weren't even hip at the time. No amount of historical revisionism will make them cool kitsch. And yet there I was, singing along at top volume.

While I'm coming clean, I may as well also admit my affinity for "The Search is Over" by Survivor. Don't laugh. It could be worse. At least I don't like Air Supply (Mike, I'm looking in YOUR direction).

Soooo...yeah. It's not even the first time this has happened. I rocked out to the very same song back in March. Twice.

I think perhaps the song reminds me of something, but I'm not sure what. For whatever reason, I can suspend cynicism (which is infinitely more difficult than suspending disbelief) and just croon along with every cheesy line. As someone who is offended and almost physically angered by the rote sentimentality of most pop music, I have to wonder what the hell I was thinking. Is there anything real to these songs? I always thought it was just bland, unmemorable Stepford Wives rock. "Can't Fight this Feeling" is about as deep and meaningful as a grade school crush. Maybe that's the appeal? I always did like my music to be relatively devoid of substance.

I don't know. I ask too many questions. Whatever it is, I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might...

Yup. I went there.

We really do become what we hate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:42 PM  

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