Wednesday, August 30, 2006

sticker rage

As I was cut off, I had time to read this bumper sticker on the back of the pickup truck in front of me:

Work is for people that don't know how to fish.

Apparently, so are fucking blinkers.

Bumper stickers seem so much more annoying when stuck on a vehicle that is making your life miserable. It's ridiculous enough that someone decided other drivers would be interested in the wit and wisdom affixed to his/her bumper. It's even more frustrating when these jerks endanger my life on the road. If, during a perilous near-accident, I catch a glimpse of their special adhesive message, I reach a whole new level of pissed off. Today, I actually contemplated sacrificing my own vehicle for the greater good and running this prick off the road. It's not enough that I have to stare at a swerving car; I have to endure the "cute" little sayings and pseudo-philosophies stuck to its bumper???

No one cares that your kid is an honors student, or that your kid beat up an honors student, or if you're pro-life or vegetarian or anything else. At that point, you are simply IN THE WAY, and I hate you categorically, since people tend to hate anything that blocks their path or slows them down. You are the nameless, faceless car in front of me, a part of the problem, and, at that moment, the instrument of my oppression. A sticker just forces me into the uncomfortable position of generalizing and stereotyping. Now I don't like to pigeonhole a group of people. I'm sure that some anglers are perfectly capable as motorists. But at the moment of near-impact, my brain concocted something along the lines of:

Fucking fishermen need to learn how to drive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I catch of glimpse of their special adhesive message" - typo.

Also, you do have a habit of driving rather close to the cars in front of you...

4:39 PM  
Blogger Pj said...

How many editors do I have?

This could be useful, actually; perhaps one of you wants to proofread my thesis?

Thanks again.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...writing/proofing is my job, so I could help you out there. I normally charge $10/page, but because you're so wordy and I'd waste a lot of time consulting my dictionary - $15... ;-)

6:00 PM  
Blogger Chellen said...

"A lot of people don't like bumper stickers. I don't mind bumper stickers. To me a bumper sticker is a shortcut. It's like a little sign that says 'Hey, let's never hang out.'"
-- Demetri Martin

Also: I've offered to proof your thesis, jerkwad.

Also, also: *prod*

6:41 PM  

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