Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sue lies when she cries

It's easy to see Dion as a two-faced bastard for his performance in "The Wanderer"; after all, he brags about precisely the sort of love 'em and leave 'em behavior that he felt victimized by in "Runaround Sue".

But it's actually more of a sequence* than an inconsistency. See, he found a place for "Lovers Who Wander". It's hard to tell whether Dion was actually over this chick or not, but the dude certainly talks a good game (the joke's on her...she doesn't bother me). Maybe Sue just did him a favor. Perhaps he needed to have his heart broken. Indeed, it could have been formative, an important stage in his evolution into a nomadic womanizer.

Anyway, perhaps Dion isn't such a dick after all. He just wants you to know how little he cares. If he sees her, it's just "hi Sue, how are you", and that is it.

* At least it SHOULD have been a sequence. Curiously, "The Wanderer" was the follow-up single to "Runaround Sue". "Lovers Who Wander" was released the following year.


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