Tuesday, October 26, 2004


In 2001, Homer's inimitable catchphrase made it into updated editions of the Oxford English Dictionary:

"expressing frustration at the realization that things have turned out badly or not as planned or that one has just said or done something foolish. also implying that another person has said or done something foolish."

That's straight from the self-proclaimed "definitive record of the English language." I think Nelson's signature laugh should be next:

Ha-ha - laughter at the expense of others, humor accompanied by contempt and ridicule; deriving great personal satisfaction from another person's pain or misfortune.

Speaking of foolish...

Looking back at old posts, I have concluded that I blog far too often while intoxicated. I also use too many semicolons.

Anyway...on to the real reason I'm posting here. It's because I can't seem to write anywhere else. My brain is indeed "overly active," always thinking, deconstructing, analyzing, assessing, etc.; seriously, it NEVER shuts up. As such, you'd think that I'd be fairly prolific, writing more songs than I know what to do with. Not so. Lately, I can't seem to piece together anything. I have melodies in mind - I always do - but I've run into a lyrical brick wall, and everything I put to paper just gets on my nerves. It's as if I've somehow acquired the Simpson gene; I can't even form a cogent sentence, let alone write a decent lyric.

Bah. Any ideas? Someone give me a viable premise and I'll make it sing. I know there's a song out there somewhere.

Stupid writer's block. Oh wait...I'm not a writer...doh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or, you know, you spend half an hour looking for a word that you never quite find.

Or, you stay up until six in the morning trying to hammer something out on paper.

And didn't I get you to agree that you were, indeed, a writer?


5:13 PM  

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