Wednesday, September 29, 2004

the Muffs rock my world

Tonight, I decided to shirk my responsibilities and see the Muffs in Ann Arbor. Wow. The crowd was small but amped and the sound was impeccable (as it always is at the Blind Pig). Kim has such a presence on stage; she's one of the greats. She writes gorgeous melodies - some of the prettiest you'll ever hear - but still rocks as hard as anyone in a live setting. I wasn't sure if she could scream like that live, but my doubts were quickly dispelled. Her screams are even BETTER live; not cheesy skid rock wails, but passionate gutteral shouts that sound almost posessed. And beautiful. The best screams I've ever heard from anyone, save for the likes of John Lennon and Screamin' Jay Hawkins. I was just thrilled to be in the same room with that voice (see also: Neko Case). Also, the band was insanely tight, shifting effortlessly from beautiful pop songs to full throttle punk rock n' roll without missing a beat. Sounded huge for a three piece. Overall, just a great experience.

Check 'em out: